• 199 Little Heroes

    199 Little Heroes

199 Little Heroes

by Sigrid Klausmann

199 Little Heroes

Germany | 2015 | 100:00 min

Original Title:
199 kleine Helden auf dem Weg in ihre Zukunft

Content Categories

Documentary Series
What does the journey to school mean for children? What do they see and what do they experience?
The variety of school journeys around the world is endless, fascinating and full of surprises.

The journey to school is a very special type of life experience shared by millions of children around the world every day but in very different ways. What happens between the two most important places in a child’s life, their home and school? 199 Roads to School is an international series featuring children aged between 8 and 12. We follow the children on their way to school, watch them pack their school bag and walk through the school gates. The school journeys take us through the most different landscapes of the various continents, on every all conceivable means of transport, along dustyroads, past lakes and rivers, down ski pistes and through heavy traffic.The children pass mighty skyscrapers, huts and villas, ruins and relics, through stunningly beautiful landscapes but also terrain that has been destroyed, contaminated and burned. Alone, in pairs, with their siblings or friends.

The children are a.o.: Luniko, 12, Khayelitsha, South Africa. Annalena, 8, Black Forest, Germany. To, 12, Laos. Ali, 9, Baghdad. Aiko, 10, Fukushima, Japan. Clemens, 11, Austria. Samantha, 8, New York, USA. The blind girl Pelmo, 9, Nepal. Yara, 11, Columbia. Pikka, 10, Lapland, Finland. Jurij, Krim…

Versions: 20x5min or 4x25min or 2x52min, English or German

To be continued (2017 NOT WITHOUT US! / NICHT OHNE UNS!)
Cast and Crew
  • Director Sigrid Klausmann (and others)
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